John Paul II : is the 644th Pope of the Catholic Church from 16 October 1978 until his death on 2 April 2005 in a twenty-six year long Pontiff. He was born on 18 May 1920 as Karol Joseph Futila in Poland He became a priest in 1946, became bishop in 1958, then cardinal in 1967, and finally a great pontiff to the Catholic Church, succeeding Pope John Paul I ; 1523 ) He was also the first Polish pope in the history of the Catholic Church.

Pope John Paul II was considered one of the 20 most powerful figures of the twentieth century , played a prominent role in the overthrow of the communist regime in his own country, Poland, and in a number of Eastern European countries. He also denounced the "savage capitalism " in his social education; Orthodox Church and the Oriental and the Anglican Church along with Judaism and Islamic , although he criticized by some liberals to Tsmke the teachings of the Church against artificial contraception , abortion and euthanasia and to ordain women as priests, as well as has been criticized by some conservatives because of de Its primary in the Second Vatican Council reforms introduced its impact on the structure of the Divine Liturgy , and breaking a multitude of traditions and customs of the papacy.

The Pope was also one of the most traveled world leaders in history, visiting 129 countries during his tenure. He was fluent in Italian , German, English , Spanish , Portuguese, Russian and Croatian along with Latin and Polish as his native language. One of the themes of his theological teaching was based on "universal holiness." During this Pontifical Day, he declared the holiness of 483 people according to Catholic and utopian doctrines, 1340 others, which means that what he raised during the Pontifical parallels the outcome of his predecessors during the previous fifth centuries. Benedict XVI opened the beatification file of John Paul II and celebrated his proclamation of the Blessed Catholic Church on May 1, 2011 .